Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blog Assignment #0: Introduction

Photo of myself and a friend.
Well this is me, Bradley Delaune, and my "long-lost twin" (from left to right).  We don't really look much alike but people confuse us all the time.

Bradley Delaune
4th year Senior

I am taking Human-Computer Interaction because the title of the course interested me from the first time I saw it.  As a Computer Engineer and someone who constantly tries to increase his respect for human life, I thought it would be a useful and unique course to take.  I read a few syllabi online (but unfortunately did not see the writing requirements) and decided I would try it out.

I'm excited to bring my desire to help people with computers to this course.  I have never viewed computing as its own end, but rather as a means to a much more important end, the interaction and communication of people.  I have experience in pastoral care from being employed at St. Mary's Catholic Center and I hope to bring my respect for human life and development to the discussions.

I hope to use my career in the future to have a direct impact on people's lives in a way that helps them better their relationships with themselves and other people.  I hope to contribute to technology by developing concepts that help people reduce their dependence on technology while still allowing for the proper use of it.

My personal life goals are pretty simple because I know that ultimately God has a plan for me, so why try to define it?  I want to one day get married, have kids, and raise those kids to the best of my ability.  Other than that, I would like to live simply with my family and become involved in whatever local community I am a part of.

After I graduate, I hope to find some entry-level computer engineering job, if possible, preferably in the software engineering arena.  If I cannot, I would also love to teach high school (likely Math, Theology, or entry-level programming courses).

In 10 years I hope to have already completed or started my personal life goals I have above.  Professionally, maybe I could be working my way into project or team management in Computer Engineering or Science.

I think the next major technological advance in computer science will either be virtual realities/spaces or some advance in quantum computing that is not yet conceivable.

If I could travel back in time, I would like to meet St. Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus.  The Bible doesn't say a whole lot about him and I would love to talk with him.  I love working with my hands and wood (I've built the majority of the furniture in my room).  I would also like to hear about the child Jesus and Mary and what living in the house with them was like.

My favorite shoes would definitely have to be my Chacos because they are comfortable and simple.  They don't really match my personality, I suppose, but I've always sought comfort over fashion.

I've recently purchased Rosetta Stone for Latin American Spanish but I have not started.  When I purchased it, I was planning on doing ministry that involved Hispanic peoples, but since then my plans have changed.  I would still like to learn Spanish, but I would also love to learn Latin, Italian, German, and Chinese (in that order).

If you haven't gathered from the above information, I am a devout Roman Catholic.  For the past two years, I prayed about and considered entering seminary formation to become a Catholic priest of Jesus Christ.  Recently I have pulled away from that path, but I am still very devout in my faith and desire to live a strong Christian lifestyle that glorifies God.

1 comment:

  1. very nice. i used to work for the union theological seminary in new york city. it is a great path. my cousin in a minister (protestant) and absolutely loves it. but teaching high school math, wow, that used to be my passion. and is not so far from what i do now. very rewarding. you probably need a master's to teach high school math. have you looked into that?
